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Accordion - Sample Site Content Type

ID: 93
Name: Accordion - Sample Site
Description: Each accordion is a separate piece of content. The heading and brief description only needs to be entered once.

Accordion - each item added as its own content type.

Accordions will group together unless separated by a different content type or a new heading is entered for an accordion that is not the first item in a group.

How to use:

Content Element Details

NameThe Name Element80 CharactersPlain Texttrue
HeadingEnter the heading of the section. Only used for the first accordion of a group of accorions.100 CharactersPlain Textfalse
Brief DescriptionEnter the brief description of the section. Only used for the first accordion of a group of accorions.250 CharactersPlain Textfalse
TitleTitle for example “How do I apply for a course”150 CharactersPlain Texttrue
Show Expand/Collapse ButtonSelect the checkbox to show the Expand All/Collapse All Button. This is only relevant on the first accordion of a group.80 CharactersCheckboxfalse
Title ColourSelect the color of the title. By default, its “White”80 CharactersSelect Boxtrue
DescriptionContent for the expanded accordion. Supports rich text such as bold, italics.5000 CharactersHtmltrue

This is the heading

This is the brief description. The heading and brief description should only be entered on the first accordion of a group, as entering a heading will automatically create a new group of accordions.

  • Any elements from the general content's kitchen sink can be used as content.

  • Any elements from the general content's kitchen sink can be used as content.

  • Any elements from the general content's kitchen sink can be used as content.

Heading for the second set of accordions

This accordion has a heading and brief description, so a new group of accordions is created.

  • Any elements from the general content's kitchen sink can be used as content.

  • Any elements from the general content's kitchen sink can be used as content.

  • Any elements from the general content's kitchen sink can be used as content.