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Terminalfour University - A Home Away From Home

Visitors on a campus tour

Student Life

August 7, 2024

Approximately 6,000 undergraduate students and 3,200 graduate students are starting a new academic year at Terminalfour University this week.

As part of Welcome Week incoming and returning students participated in various events and programs over the past week before classes began. For returning students it's a "welcome back" to campus as we begin the academic year, for others, it’s the first taste of all that T4U has to offer.

This year we have an extended orientation program designed to facilitate the successful transition of students into T4U living.The program provides lots of opportunities for new students, with benefits ranging from early move-in to your campus residence hall to more connections with new students, and in-depth exploration of university resources before classes begin. We also have fun and interactive sessions on topics such as student involvement, budgeting, library orientation and academic planning. Get to know the campus faculty and staff members through the many events running on Welcome week.